We are making a difference in Jacksonville's inner city!

What other students are saying...

“I enjoyed the teacher’s uplifting spirit. I like the idea of being a good steward of God’s money. I could have used this course years ago.”

“As a second time student, [it] was great to get a review of finances God’s way. Class was practical and spiritually sound. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Looking forward to applying knowledge and sharing the biblical financial principles with others.”

“This class is a very helpful tool and it is wise to have every individual in your family learn God’s way of handling his money and possessions. These tools are very important.”

“I would definitely refer this class. I really enjoyed the class. Mrs. Johnson was such a huge help in understanding budgeting God’s way.”

The Future is Bright!

The future for Pastor and Mrs. Marc Dickerson and their children are much brighter because they saw the need to learn God’s way of handling their money and possessions. His family and several members of Amazing Life Church made the sacrifice in 2018 to invest in their future, and begin the journey towards True Financial Freedom. We invite you to watch this inspiring video of their testimony!